ReflexologyReflexology is a complementary therapy which aims to activate the healing powers of the body by using pressure on areas of the feet. Through applying pressure on these areas, energy is encouraged to flow freely along the energy lines in the body, which can help to dissolve blockages. Reflexology supports
the body with its own healing process and can assist in the removal of toxins. It can help to induce relaxation and may help to restore balance to organs and glands. There are reflex areas on the feet which correspond to different parts of the body including the major organs, glands and body parts. The whole body is mapped on the feet and through using Reflexology techniques on these areas a therapeutic and healing effect can be achieved. Cost per session- £30 in the salon/ £35 for home visit Reflexology is given from a salon in Winterbourne, Bristol or from your own home. Please contact me for more information at [email protected] |