Being so sensitive and an empath isn't always an easy life, as not only do you have to deal with your feelings but the feelings of all those around you.
As well as it being a gift it is also so challenging at times because of feeling emotions on such a deep level. It's hard at times and often Having alone time is so important, to give yourself time to just be you and to not have energy of other people around you, to give yourself a break.
1) Take some time out to meditate and really connect within, ask your mind, body and soul what emotions you're holding onto on all levels, some may be from recent situations or some from the past. Ask for these emotions to be brought gently to the surface at a time and pace that is right and manageable for you right now. You may find that you cry, or you may feel different sensations, the aim is to start releasing all emotions that you've held onto that weren't always yours in the first place (and some that are yours where you've been effected so deeply by situations).
2) Breathe in deeply and as you exhale release all these past hurts, emotions and feelings and ask for your spiritual helpers/Angels or just use visualisations to watch the emotions be cleared .
3) Try to aim and do this for at least 10 minutes a day, when you first start it can be a little challenging because you have to experience those emotions briefly before releasing them. But in the long run it will be worthwhile and your energy levels will start to increase.
Salt is an amazing cleanser and Epsom salt is a great way to cleanse your energy field and body (I add 2 cups to a running bath) and then have one after I've done the releasing meditation. I hope this helps!
Written by Sarah Catori