Life as a human isn't easy. We will all normally encounter so many different experiences and challenging times, and with the variety of emotions we feel, it can be overwhelming to say the least.
Being human and having the human experience is by no means an easy pathway, but what I'm going to cover today is how this can be made easier, how we can start to view situations from a different perspective.
Firstly I'll start from the knowledge I have gathered through the vast amount of books I've read, listening to spiritual talkers and through my own connections and conversations with Angels, Guides and Spirit.
1- We are all eternal!
You may already know this, but this is so important to understand during your time here. The strains and stresses of life can come from pressures and fears related to the material world and related to the future. For example the fear the media puts out can really make people live in a fearful way, worrying that they may end up in tragedy, the same way that other people have whom they've see on the news. Release these fears now and realise that you are eternal, and that you will normally only pass onto the other side when the time is right for you. This is a hard concept to grasp for some, especially if you have loved one's you've lost in what seemed like such unfair circumstances. But as you understand the eternity of the soul, you may realise that death is not the end, it is just the rebirth into a new body, returning home to a beautiful place and being reunited with the loved one's on the other side whom you had to part with when you incarnated here.
2- Many events in your life you planned out before you came here
This isn't meaning all events, since we have been given the gift of free will and choice. Events can change in some respects, however most of the more larger events in our life, are pre-planned. Sometimes it may take people longer to reach a certain event, it's kind of like choosing whether to take the short cut or take the long way around! but in some way or another the events will normally unfold if we follow our intuition. As well as the more challenging life events, these events can include promotions, opportunities opening up, having a family and meeting partners and friends etc. Life is a learning process for the advancement of our soul, for some it is also a place where they've came to help other people too, to be a guide and a shining light to humanity. But normally from what I've learnt, even as a human guide/light worker, you will also have life experiences you'll endure to give you the strength and insight that your conscious/human mind needs to be able to be in the right place to help others, you are also learning and growing through the life path you've chosen to help others.
Through struggles comes the ability to find strength, and this is something that all people will experience at some point in their lives. But know that although there will always be life events, both challenging and good, they are there to help you grow, progress and enhance your soul's experience. The most important part of this is to have fun and to not take life too seriously!
3) We are pure divine love
The reason I mention this, is because it is an important understanding that can help life to be easier. As you awaken to the fact that you are pure divine love, you will realise that life is easier. If you encounter negativity from others, start to bring awareness to the thoughts that this brings up in your mind and start to gain control of these thoughts. Anger, resentment, jealousy, dislike, annoyance etc, are all natural human emotions, yet you can start to choose which of these emotions you allow to be within you. Awareness is the key here, become aware of your conscious thoughts and question them as they come. Perhaps someone annoyed you and you have feelings of anger. Instead of going with this anger question it, ask yourself questions such as "where is this anger coming from, this situation now or an experience in my past?" "how can I now let this anger go, so that it doesn't effect me?" "is this anger productive in my life?"
Visualise releasing the anger and letting it go by breathing out the anger and breathing in peace and love. This may be difficult to do at first, but with practise you will start to feel calmer, more centered and at peace within.
4) Follow your heart and your dreams!
This is so important because within your heart and your intuition you will find your life path, the place where you will know and feel what it is you're here to do in life. As well as the life events we go through for growth, we will often have a purpose or a theme in life, this could be so many different things. For example some people are here to heal others (or themselves), some are here to be family focused, some are here to work with the public to bring peace in their hearts, some are here to help children, some are here to bring art to people, and the list goes on! You may wonder, but what is my purpose? The answer is within your soul, and the way to access the answer is to ask yourself, what do you love doing? What is it you do and time passes so fast? What do you feel passionate about? Start to become aware of what you love and what brings you joy within. This can help you to start tapping into your what you truly wish to do.
One regret that older people had when it was there time to passing, is that they didn't regret the things they did do but the things they didn't! So live life, enjoy life and have fun. Follow your heart and take action on what feels right within, do not allow fears nor negative thoughts to hold you back from achieving what you truly want to achieve. You have the power of the universe within you, you are more than what you've ever realised you are. So write down some goals, short term and long term, and start ticking them off as you complete them.
Wishing you much enjoyment on this pathway called life!
Sarah x
Being human and having the human experience is by no means an easy pathway, but what I'm going to cover today is how this can be made easier, how we can start to view situations from a different perspective.
Firstly I'll start from the knowledge I have gathered through the vast amount of books I've read, listening to spiritual talkers and through my own connections and conversations with Angels, Guides and Spirit.
1- We are all eternal!
You may already know this, but this is so important to understand during your time here. The strains and stresses of life can come from pressures and fears related to the material world and related to the future. For example the fear the media puts out can really make people live in a fearful way, worrying that they may end up in tragedy, the same way that other people have whom they've see on the news. Release these fears now and realise that you are eternal, and that you will normally only pass onto the other side when the time is right for you. This is a hard concept to grasp for some, especially if you have loved one's you've lost in what seemed like such unfair circumstances. But as you understand the eternity of the soul, you may realise that death is not the end, it is just the rebirth into a new body, returning home to a beautiful place and being reunited with the loved one's on the other side whom you had to part with when you incarnated here.
2- Many events in your life you planned out before you came here
This isn't meaning all events, since we have been given the gift of free will and choice. Events can change in some respects, however most of the more larger events in our life, are pre-planned. Sometimes it may take people longer to reach a certain event, it's kind of like choosing whether to take the short cut or take the long way around! but in some way or another the events will normally unfold if we follow our intuition. As well as the more challenging life events, these events can include promotions, opportunities opening up, having a family and meeting partners and friends etc. Life is a learning process for the advancement of our soul, for some it is also a place where they've came to help other people too, to be a guide and a shining light to humanity. But normally from what I've learnt, even as a human guide/light worker, you will also have life experiences you'll endure to give you the strength and insight that your conscious/human mind needs to be able to be in the right place to help others, you are also learning and growing through the life path you've chosen to help others.
Through struggles comes the ability to find strength, and this is something that all people will experience at some point in their lives. But know that although there will always be life events, both challenging and good, they are there to help you grow, progress and enhance your soul's experience. The most important part of this is to have fun and to not take life too seriously!
3) We are pure divine love
The reason I mention this, is because it is an important understanding that can help life to be easier. As you awaken to the fact that you are pure divine love, you will realise that life is easier. If you encounter negativity from others, start to bring awareness to the thoughts that this brings up in your mind and start to gain control of these thoughts. Anger, resentment, jealousy, dislike, annoyance etc, are all natural human emotions, yet you can start to choose which of these emotions you allow to be within you. Awareness is the key here, become aware of your conscious thoughts and question them as they come. Perhaps someone annoyed you and you have feelings of anger. Instead of going with this anger question it, ask yourself questions such as "where is this anger coming from, this situation now or an experience in my past?" "how can I now let this anger go, so that it doesn't effect me?" "is this anger productive in my life?"
Visualise releasing the anger and letting it go by breathing out the anger and breathing in peace and love. This may be difficult to do at first, but with practise you will start to feel calmer, more centered and at peace within.
4) Follow your heart and your dreams!
This is so important because within your heart and your intuition you will find your life path, the place where you will know and feel what it is you're here to do in life. As well as the life events we go through for growth, we will often have a purpose or a theme in life, this could be so many different things. For example some people are here to heal others (or themselves), some are here to be family focused, some are here to work with the public to bring peace in their hearts, some are here to help children, some are here to bring art to people, and the list goes on! You may wonder, but what is my purpose? The answer is within your soul, and the way to access the answer is to ask yourself, what do you love doing? What is it you do and time passes so fast? What do you feel passionate about? Start to become aware of what you love and what brings you joy within. This can help you to start tapping into your what you truly wish to do.
One regret that older people had when it was there time to passing, is that they didn't regret the things they did do but the things they didn't! So live life, enjoy life and have fun. Follow your heart and take action on what feels right within, do not allow fears nor negative thoughts to hold you back from achieving what you truly want to achieve. You have the power of the universe within you, you are more than what you've ever realised you are. So write down some goals, short term and long term, and start ticking them off as you complete them.
Wishing you much enjoyment on this pathway called life!
Sarah x